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Our Beliefs

We Believe

That the bible is the inspired, inerrant word of God.   2 Timothy 3: 16

In one God, eternally existent as three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.   Matt 28: 19,

That Jesus Christ is true God and true man, conceived of the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary; that He died on the cross and shed His blood as a sacrifice for sin; that He arose bodily from the dead; ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

That man was created in the image of God, but fell into sin, and can be justified only by grace through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.   Romans 3: 25;   Act 13: 39

In the personal, literal second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to judge both the living and the dead, in everlasting blessedness for the believer, and judgement and eternal punishment for the unbeliever. 1 Thess 4: 15 – 17, Rev 20: 11 – 14

That the gift of the Holy Ghost are given to every believer and need to be stirred up, exercised to fulfil their divine purpose of blessing the body of Christ.  Rom 12: 4 – 8,  1 Timothy 4: 14, 2 Tim 1: 6

In the present day ministries of apostles and prophets set in the Church by Christ Jesus as foundational and revelatory ministries, being restored in full function, maturity and authority.  Eph 2: 19 – 20;  Eph 3: 4 – 5

That the Church is God’s instrument to establish and extend God’s kingdom until the literal coming of Christ to rule and reign over the earth. In the autonomy of each local Church and that all itinerary ministries should be based out of and related to a local Church with accountability to senior minister.

That marriage is an institution ordained by God and should be built based on the prescription of scriptures alone. That marriage of same sex, polygamy, divorce are not new testament standards / God’s design for marriage.   Matt 19: 4 – 6; 1 Cor 7: 39; 1 Tim 3: 12;  Rom 1: 27 – 32