In August 2016, Vincent & Maggie received another mandate from the Lord by personal prophetic visions and confirmations of other prophetic ministries to build a family Church that would function apostolically with the primary purpose of empowering people to “grow from nothing and be released to occupy their places of destiny”.
In November 2016, they began the church known today as The Place of Destiny. Vincent is called primarily as an apostle with a strong teaching and prophetic dimension to his ministry. Maggie is a passionate worship leader with a prophetic and intercessory dimension to her ministry. Maggie is also an educational consultant. Both are entrepreneur and advisors. They have been married since 1997. They are parents of three lovely children. Just imagine a Church that is family indeed. A place where Jesus is the centre of our affection, an atmosphere that inspires you to love Him and constantly be in pursuit of Christ.
This is a house where there is always someone you can share your joy and burden with, people you could be real with without feeling vulnerable. This is a Church family that encourages you to come just as you are but not allowed to remain the same way you came in. Just think of a family where everyone is given an opportunity to express the gift of God in their lives and together we are being empowered to occupy our spheres of influence and advance God’s kingdom. That’s who we are, that’s THE PLACE OF DESTINY.